How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies During the Holiday Rush (2025)

How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies During the Holiday Rush (1)

The holidays are upon us, and most of us will celebrate with decorations, colorful lights, family get-togethers, parties, and huge meals of delicious food. As the fun gets underway, ensure dental issues do not ruin the celebration.

Tending to Emergency Dental Issues During The Holidays

Broken teeth, toothaches, and other issues need immediate attention, but that’s not always possible during the holidays. Whether your dentist has taken time off to be with his family or you are traveling, dental issues can cause more turmoil this time of the year.

If you are prepared, unexpected dental issues are less concerning and much easier to deal with even during the holidays. I asked this Las Vegas emergency dentist I visited last week for tips on dealing with dental emergencies, and here’s what he told me.

Prevention is Key

Prevention is the best key. Visiting your dentist twice annually, brushing and flossing daily, and avoiding sweet and acidic foods are a few ways to keep your teeth healthy. When you go into the holidays with a healthy mouth, you can confidently eat grandma’s green bean casserole.

Visit Your Dentist

Schedule two visits annually with your dentist. Each visit includes an examination of your teeth and mouth where the dentist can identify and treat issues before they become problematic. The dentist also cleans your teeth during each visit, removing plaque or tartar build-up to reduce your risk of cavities.

If you experience any dental issues between check-ups, it's important to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

Delaying treatment can make the problem worse and increase your risk of more serious dental issues down the road.

Beware of Holiday Hazards

Holiday parties and get-togethers often leave us grabbing hard candies, sticky candies, cold beverages, and other foods that, while tasty, can wreak havoc on our teeth. Hard and sticky candies, for example, can chip or break the teeth. Cold drinks can cause tooth pain, especially for those with sensitive teeth.

Keep the holiday spirit alive and the dental issues away by identifying foods that are risky to your oral health, and avoiding them during gatherings and parties.

A few foods that you should eat with caution or avoid include:

? Nuts

? Caramel

? Toffee

? Iced coffee

Learn Home Remedies to Treat Common Dental Emergencies

When you experience dental emergencies but can’t immediately make it to the dentist, there are home remedies that can help. However, nothing compares to dental care and you should get in to see your dentist as soon as possible.

Use the following solutions as a quick remedy for common dental concerns.

? Toothache: Rinse your mouth with warm water and floss to remove any food caught in your teeth. Clove oil is one of the besthome remedies for toothaches. The taste is off-putting but when it alleviates the pain quickly, and when your tooth hurts, that’s all that matters.

? Broken/Chipped Tooth: Rinse your mouth with warm water. Apply a warm compress to the affected area. Preserve broken pieces of your tooth in milk until you can see a dentist.

? Lost Filling or Crown: If you have fillings or crowns, there is always a risk they’ll fall out. This can lead to pain amongst other dental concerns. A tube of dental cement works as a great temporary fix. Visit your local pharmacy for a tube and keep it on hand not only during the holidays but throughout the year. However, visit your dentist for a repair of the lost filling or crown as soon as possible.

Prepare an Emergency Dental Kit

We prepare a lot of different types of kits to keep us safe in various situations but often lack one for dental emergencies. This year, do not take any risks and prepare an emergency dental kit to take with you.

Place in your kit:

? Copies of your insurance cards

? Your dental provider’s contact information

? A small, clean container (for broken, chipped teeth)

? Saline solution

? Cotton balls and gauze

? Latex gloves

? Topical anesthetic solution, such as Orajel

? Pain relievers, such as Ibuprofen or acetemphine

? Travel-sized toothpaste, toothbrush, and mouthwash

Tuck your emergency dental kit inside your suitcase or the glove box if traveling by automobile. Put the kit inside your carry-on if you are traveling by plane, train, or bus. When the kit is inside your carry-on, you can easily access items as needed.

It is a good idea to research dentists in the area where you are traveling beforehand so you are prepared for any worst-case dental health scenarios.

Booze & Oral Health

Alcohol is a big part of many holiday parties and gatherings. We tend to consume more alcohol than usual during the holiday season, and this can mean hangovers, headaches, and dental health problems. We never consider the impact alcohol has on our teeth when drinking, but should. Wines and cocktails are the worst on our teeth because they can erode enamel. What can you do to protect your teeth from erosion, cavities, and other concerns without becoming the holiday party pooper who doesn't drink?

Rinse your mouth out with water after drinking alcohol. Water removes excess alcohol and particles from your teeth, reducing the impact on our oral health. Always brush your teeth as soon as possible after drinking alcohol. Your smile will thank you later.

Don’t Forsake Your Dental Hygiene Routine

Holidays can be time-consuming and stressful. There is so much taking place that it can feel overwhelming, but we mustn’t let it impact our oral hygiene routine. Always brush and floss your teeth, even when you arrive home late, travel, or visit family and friends. There is always time to take care of your teeth, mouth, and gums.

Final Thoughts

Use the tips listed here that my dentist shared and you can enjoy the holidays with more peace of mind and oral health protection.

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How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies During the Holiday Rush (2025)
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