Useful information about Loop Hero PC
Before you start searching for a cheap Loop Hero CD key, it’s vital that you learn more about this title. It is developed by Four Quarters, while Devolver Digital took on the role of the publisher. Loop Hero release date for PC happened on March 4, 2021. The genre of the game is characterized as indie, RPG and strategy. Right now, 4,696 users have wishlisted this game, which can give you a general idea of the level of interest surrounding this product.
If you have very limited amount of free time, it's worth considering that on average it takes 29 hours to finish the main story of the game. Take a moment to examineLoop Hero reviews written by the critics and the gamers. The game's Metascore sits at 82 derived from critics' reviews, while users on Metacritic have given it 7.7/10. The review aggregator OpenCritic granted this title a "Mighty" rating, with 84 Top Critic Average and 91% of critics endorsing the game. In terms of Steam reviews, this product has received 31,609 gamer reviews, 93% of which are positive. If you're still intrigued by this title, you might be looking for ways of getting a discounted Loop Hero Steam key. Fortunately, is a great place to find the deals you're looking for.
Loop Hero PC sale & discount - all in one place
With, PC gamers can easily find where tobuy Loop Hero PC key at low cost. This is made possible by our price comparison tools as well as our extensive selection ofgaming coupon codes. We've identified the availability of this game in 25 stores and our comparison of 27 offers will help you discover the best deals within seconds. The recommendedprice is set by the publisher at $14.99. Thankfully, you won't have to spend as much for this title. According to our findings, the best Loop Hero price on PC is $2.90, which is 80% off. You can take advantage of this cheap key on Instant Gaming.
Prices in our comparison include payment surcharges to ensure that both official distributors and keyshops play by the same rules. They are also inclusive of all eligible coupon codes to help you maximize your Loop Hero discount. It's worth remembering you may be able to reduce the price on the Steam Store by 6% if you top up your account with a discounted Steam gift card.
Cheap Loop Hero PC key - browse price history, find a historical low, create price alerts
While the 80% discount appears attractive, it's always nice to make sure that you're receiving the best possible value. To help our users shop smartly, tracksLoop Hero price history.All price fluctuations can be seen in the graph on this page. Additionally, provides statistics on the cheapest historical offer for each game, a metric which we call the "historical low". Thebest Loop Hero PC price of all time was documented on August 10, 2023 on Epic Games Store, allowing gamers to get the game for just free.
Monitoring price trends might offer clues about what kind ofLoop Hero sale one can anticipate in the future. This is where price alerts on are extremely practical and you can configure one by using the "Create Alert" button.
Where can I download Loop Hero after the purchase?
Most stores in our Loop Hero price comparison will provide your code immediately after the payment is approved. The launcher you need to use to redeem your key may differ, depending on the offer you have selected - the game is currently available on Steam, GOG, Epic Games Launcher and Microsoft Store. After activating your code, you can download Loop Hero on your chosen platform and play the game anytime you like.
Can I buy Loop Hero on Steam?
Yes, you can purchase this title on Steam. Furthermore, it's possible tobuy the Loop Hero Steam code from third-party stores. Price comparison on includes 22 offers with Steam DRM. Select one to ensure that your Loop Hero download will take place on Valve's platform.
Is Loop Hero Steam Deck compatible?
According to the latest Valve certification, Loop Hero is Steam Deck playable. The game will run on your Deck, but you might need to make a few adjustments to make sure your gaming session is not interrupted by technical hiccups.
Is Loop Hero on Game Pass or other subscription services?
Unfortunately, Loop Hero is not available on PC Game Pass. While Microsoft’s subscription grants access to a plethora of titles, this specific game is not part of the selection.
Based on our findings, it appears that the game is not available on any other subscription service for PC players at this time. Thus, the only way of giving this title a try is by purchasing it.
Is Loop Hero Linux compatible?
If Windows is not your primary choice, you’ll be happy to hear that Loop Hero is playable onLinux. This title is fully compatible without the need for compatibility layers or additional software.
Can I play Loop Hero on Mac?
Owners of Apple PCs and MacBooks can easily start playing this title as Loop Hero isplayable with MAC. The game is fully supported on the macOS system.
Does Loop Hero have GeForce NOW support?
Yes, Loop Hero is playable onGeForce NOW, allowing you to stream the game on PCs, Macs, and mobile devices through Nvidia's cloud gaming service.